
AFI Division 1

Sun, 16 MarWest Dublin RhinosRhinos vs Minotaurs
W 37-0
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sun, 23 MarWexford EaglesEagles vs Minotaurs
W 28-20
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sat, 5 AprCill Dara CrusadersMinotaurs vs Crusaders
2:00 pm
Westmanstown RFC
Sun, 13 AprCauseway GiantsMinotaurs vs Giants
2:00 pm
Sun, 11 MayLouth MavericksMinotaurs vs Mavericks
2:00 pm
Dundalk Rugby Club
Sun, 25 MayCounty Antrim StagsStags vs Minotaurs
2:00 pm
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sun, 8 JunNorthwest VipersVipers vs Minotaurs
2:00 pm
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sun, 15 JunWest Dublin RhinosMinotaurs vs Rhinos
2:00 pm
Castleknock College

AFI Flag Division 1

Sat, 7 SepSouth Dublin PanthersPanthers 2nds vs Minotaurs
W 32-28
Doddery Valley Park
Sat, 7 SepDublin RebelsRebels 2nds vs Minotaurs
W 33-0
Doddery Valley Park
Sat, 14 SepUCD American FootballUCD vs Minotuars
W 27-7
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sat, 14 SepCill Dara CrusadersCrusaders vs Minotaurs
W 30-0
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sat, 21 SepDunboyne WildcatsMinotaurs vs Wildcats
L 12-46
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sat, 21 SepDublin City WolvesMinotaurs vs Wolves
W 47-14
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sat, 5 OctCauseway GiantsGiants vs Minotaurs
W 32-18
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sat, 5 OctNI RazorbacksRazorbacks vs Minotaurs
W 28-18
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sat, 26 OctCork City OutlawsOutlaws vs Minotaurs
W 31-19
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sat, 26 OctUniversity of Limerick VikingsVikings vs Minotaurs
L 26-33
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sat, 2 NovLouth MavericksDivision 1 Wildcard
W 48-28
National Sports Campus
Sat, 2 NovCauseway GiantsDivision 1 Semifinal
W 53-6
National Sports Campus
Sat, 2 NovDunboyne WildcatsGlas Bowl V
W 19-7
National Sports Campus

AFI Youth League

Sun, 15 SepBelfastTrojans vs Minotaurs
W 19-0
National Sports Campus
Sun, 15 SepSouth DublinMinotaurs vs Panthers
W 32-0
National Sports Campus
Sun, 29 SepBelfastKnights vs Minotaurs
L 0-18
National Sports Campus
Sun, 29 SepCorkMinotaurs vs Admirals
W 15-0
National Sports Campus
Sun, 13 OctDublinMinotaurs vs Rebels
W 25-14
National Sports Campus
Sun, 13 OctNorthwestVipers vs Minotaurs
W 18-14
National Sports Campus
Sun, 27 OctNorthwestYouth Semifinal
L 6-19
National Sports Campus

AFI Premier Division

Sun, 10 MarSouth Dublin PanthersMinotaurs @ Panthers
L 6-33
Tymon Park
Sun, 7 AprBelfast KnightsKnights @ Minotaurs
L 21-27
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sun, 21 AprCork AdmiralsMinotaurs @ Admirals
L 8-28
Old Christians Rugby Club
Sat, 18 MaySouth Dublin PanthersPanthers @ Minotaurs
L 34-39
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sun, 26 MayUniversity of Limerick VikingsVikings @ Minotaurs
L 14-28
Harbour Field Mullingar
Sun, 9 JunUCD American FootballMinotaurs @ UCD
L 0-60
UCD Sports Facilities
Sat, 22 JunBelfast TrojansMinotaurs @ Trojans
L 10-29
Belfast Harlequins Club
Sat, 29 JunDublin RebelsRebels @ Minotaurs
L 0-27
Harbour Field Mullingar

AFI Flag Premier Division South

Sat, 15 JulDublin Bay RaptorsRaptors @ Minotaurs
W 30-27
National Sports Campus
Sat, 15 JulSouth Dublin PanthersMinotaurs @ Panthers
L 7-46
National Sports Campus
Sat, 29 JulMaynooth HurricanesHurricanes @ Minotaurs
L 13-26
Newbridge College
Sat, 29 JulEdenderry EaglesMinotaurs @ Eagles
L 13-44
Newbridge College
Sat, 2 SepMaynooth HurricanesMinotaurs @ Hurricanes
L 29-30
Doddery Valley Park
Sat, 2 SepSouth Dublin PanthersPanthers @ Minotaurs
L 6-26
Doddery Valley Park
Sat, 30 SepDublin Bay RaptorsMinotaurs @ Raptors
L 6-35
Newbridge College
Sat, 30 SepEdenderry EaglesEagles @ Minotaurs
L 13-26
Newbridge College
Sat, 14 OctBelfast KnightsMinotaurs @ Knights
L 0-30
Peoples Park Portadown
Sat, 14 OctBelfast TrojansTrojans @ Minotaurs
L 0-30
Peoples Park Portadown

AFI Premier Division

Sun, 26 MarCraigavon CowboysMinotaurs @ Cowboys
W 38-0
Peoples Park Portadown
Sun, 16 AprSouth Dublin PanthersMinotaurs @ Panthers
L 9-20
National Sports Campus
Sun, 23 AprUCD American FootballUCD @ Minotaurs
L 13-28
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sun, 7 MayBelfast KnightsMinotaurs @ Knights
L 8-28
Malone Rugby Club
Sun, 21 MayBelfast TrojansTrojans @ Minotaurs
L 32-62
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sun, 28 MayBelfast KnightsKnights @ Minotaurs
W 27-0
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sun, 11 JunCork AdmiralsAdmirals @ Minotaurs
L 12-14
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sun, 18 JunDublin RebelsMinotaurs @ Rebels
L 0-58
De La Salle Palmerstown Fc

AFI Flag Division 1 South

Sat, 20 AugDublin City WolvesWolves vs Minotaurs
W 27-12
Sat, 20 AugCill Dara CrusadersCrusaders vs Minotaurs
L 20-50
Sat, 17 SepDublin City QuetzalsQuetzals vs Minotaurs
W 46-13
Newbridge College
Sat, 17 SepUCD American FootballUCD vs Minotaurs
W 62-26
Newbridge College
Sat, 24 SepDublin RebelsRebels 2nds vs Minotaurs
W 38-35
SETU Arena
Sat, 24 SepSETU WaterfordSETU vs Minotaurs
W 56-6
SETU Arena
Sat, 1 OctSETU WaterfordSETU vs Minotaurs
W 47-6
Newbridge College
Sat, 1 OctUCD American FootballUCD vs Minotaurs
W 42-10
Newbridge College
Sat, 8 OctDublin RebelsRebels 2nds vs Minotaurs
L 26-36
Tymon Park
Sat, 8 OctDublin City WolvesWolves vs Minotaurs
W 39-6
Tymon Park
Sat, 5 NovCill Dara CrusadersGlas Bowl Semifinal
W 46-18
Dromore Rugby Club
Sat, 5 NovBelfast KnightsGlas Bowl III
W 46-12
Dromore Rugby Club

AFI Division 1

Sun, 3 AprWexford EaglesEagles @ Minotaurs
W 30-0
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sun, 10 AprNorthwest VipersVipers @ Minotaurs
W 13-0
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sun, 15 MayWexford EaglesMinotaurs @ Eagles
W 30-0
Gorey Town Park
Sun, 29 MayNorthwest VipersMinotaurs @ Vipers
W 24-7
Prehen Playing Fields
Sun, 5 JunUniversity of Limerick VikingsMinotaurs @ Vikings
W 16-0
Maguires Field
Sun, 19 JunCill Dara CrusadersCrusaders @ Minotaurs
W 34-7
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sun, 26 JunUniversity of Limerick VikingsVikings @ Minotaurs
L 6-25
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sun, 10 JulTrinity College Dublin TrinityMinotaurs @ Trinity
W 30-0
Trinity Sports Ground
Sun, 17 JulNorthwest VipersDivision 1 Semifinal
W 41-6
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sun, 31 JulUniversity of Limerick VikingsDivision 1 Bowl
W 16-13
Newforge Sports Complex Belfast

AFI Flag Division 1

Sat, 25 SepDublin RebelsRebels vs Minotaurs
L 0F-30
Sat, 25 SepUCD American FootballUCD vs Minotaurs
L 0F-30
Sat, 9 OctSouth Dublin PanthersPanthers vs Minotaurs
W 41-31
Sat, 9 OctCill Dara CrusadersCrusaders vs Minotaurs
W 44-22
Sat, 16 OctWexford EaglesEagles vs Minotaurs
W 30-20
Sat, 16 OctDublin City QuetzalsQuetzals vs Minotaurs
W 26-24

2021 Friendly Series

Sun, 22 AugMeath BulldogsMinotaurs @ Bulldogs
W 42-0
Athboy Rugby Club
Sun, 19 SepCill Dara CrusadersCrusaders @ Minotaurs
W 34-8
Mullingar Rugby Club

AFI Flag Division 1

Sat, 26 SepLouth MavericksMavericks vs Minotaurs
W 41-0
Peoples Park Portadown
Sat, 26 SepGalway WarriorsWarriors vs Minotaurs
W 47-6
Peoples Park Portadown
Sat, 3 OctCill Dara ReapersReapers vs Minotaurs
W 50-0
Dundalk Rugby Club
Sat, 3 OctGalway WarriorsWarriors vs Minotaurs
W 26-13
Dundalk Rugby Club
Season Cancelled due to COVID-19

Emerald Bowl Conference

Sat, 14 SepEdenderry EaglesEagles vs Minotaurs
L 44-50
Sat, 14 SepLouth MavericksMavericks vs Minotaurs
L 13-20
Sat, 12 OctDublin RebelsRebels vs Minotaurs
W 33-0
Sat, 12 OctBelfast TrojansTrojans vs Minotaurs
W 32-20
Sat, 19 OctUniversity College Cork RaidersRaiders vs Minotaurs
L 0F-30
Sat, 19 OctUCD American FootballUCD vs Minotaurs
L 0-38
Sat, 26 OctCraigavon CowboysCowboys vs Minotaurs
W 39-32
Sat, 26 OctMeath BulldogsBulldogs vs Minotaurs
W 30-0F

IAFL-1 Division

Sun, 17 MarGalway WarriorsWarriors @ Minotaurs
W 49-0
AIT Sports Grounds
Sun, 31 MarWexford EaglesMinotaurs @ Eagles
W 39-16
Gorey Town Park
Sun, 28 AprNorthwest VipersMinotaurs @ Vipers
W 28-0
Prehen Playing Fields
Sun, 5 MayGalway WarriorsMinotaurs @ Warriors
W 66-0
St. Mary’s College
Sun, 12 MayTrinity College Dublin TrinityMinotaurs @ Trinity
W 21-6
Trinity Sports Ground
Sun, 2 JunWaterford WolvesWolves @ Minotaurs
W 30-0F
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sun, 16 JunLouth MavericksMavericks @ Minotaurs
L 26-34
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sun, 30 JunCraigavon CowboysCowboys @ Minotaurs
L 0-26
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sun, 14 JulWexford EaglesIAFL-1 Semifinal
W 27-22
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sun, 28 JulCraigavon CowboysIAFL-1 Bowl
L 27-28
Navan Rugby Club

Emerald Bowl Conference – West Division

Sat, 15 SepNorth Kildare ReapersReapers vs Minotaurs
W 78-0
Sat, 15 SepMeath BulldogsBulldogs vs Minotaurs
W 54-0
Sat, 6 OctMeath BulldogsBulldogs vs Minotaurs
W 43-25
Sat, 6 OctTrinity College Dublin TrinityTrinity vs Minotaurs
L 24-33
Sat, 13 OctMaynooth HurricanesHurricanes vs Minotaurs
W 63-3
Sat, 13 OctTrinity College Dublin TrinityTrinity vs Minotaurs
L 36-37
Sat, 10 NovDublin RebelsRebels vs Minotaurs
L 0F-30
Sat, 10 NovUniversity College Cork RaidersRaiders vs Minotaurs
L 0F-30
Sat, 17 NovNorth Kildare ReapersReapers vs Minotaurs
W 45-6
Sat, 17 NovMaynooth HurricanesHurricanes vs Minotaurs
W 46-19

IAFL-1 Division

Sat, 24 MarNorthwest VipersVipers @ Minotaurs
L 7-22
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sun, 29 AprMeath BulldogsMinotaurs @ Bulldogs
W 22-2
Navan Rugby Club
Sun, 6 MayCraigavon CowboysMinotaurs @ Cowboys
L 6-13
Peoples Park Portadown
Sun, 20 MayNorth Dublin PiratesPirates @ Minotaurs
W 32-0
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sun, 3 JunWest Dublin RhinosRhinos @ Minotaurs
W 10-7
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sun, 17 JunGalway WarriorsMinotaurs @ Warriors
W 26-0
St. Mary’s College
Sun, 1 JulWexford EaglesMinotaurs @ Eagles
W 20-6
Garden City GAA
Sat, 7 JulCill Dara CrusadersMinotaurs @ Crusaders
W 28-0
Westmanstown RFC
Sun, 22 JulWest Dublin RhinosIAFL-1 Wild Card Game
L 3-13
Mullingar Rugby Club

IAFL Youth League

Sun, 15 OctCraigavonMinotaurs @ Cowboys
W 31-0
Peoples Park Portadown
Sun, 15 OctSouth KildareSoldiers @ Minotaurs
L 7-25
Peoples Park Portadown
Sun, 26 NovCorkMinotaurs @ Admirals
L 0-8
Dolphin RFC
Sun, 26 NovSouth KildareMinotaurs @ Soldiers
L 0-6
Dolphin RFC

Emerald Bowl Conference Summer League

Sat, 29 AprSouth Dublin PanthersPanthers vs Minotaurs
W 52-14
Sat, 29 AprDublin RebelsRebels vs Minotaurs
W 54-18
Sat, 13 MayDublin VipersVipers vs Minotaurs
L 33-56
Sat, 13 MayCraigavon CowboysCowboys vs Minotaurs
L 31-41
Sat, 10 JunNorth Kildare ReapersReapers vs Minotaurs
W 30-0F
Sat, 10 JunEdenderry EaglesEagles vs Minotaurs
W 30-0F
Sat, 15 JulDublin RebelsRebels vs Minotaurs
W 52-14
Sat, 15 JulCraigavon CowboysCowboys vs Minotaurs
Sat, 5 AugDublin VipersEBC Semifinal
L 26-41
Sat, 5 AugCraigavon CowboysEBC 3rd Place Game
W 39-31

IAFL-1 Division

Sun, 26 MarWexford EaglesMinotaurs @ Eagles
W 19-7
Garden City GAA
Sun, 2 AprCraigavon CowboysCowboys @ Minotaurs
L 6-31
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sun, 30 AprNorthwest VipersMinotaurs @ Vipers
L 8-22
Prehen Playing Fields
Sun, 14 MayLouth MavericksMinotaurs @ Mavericks
L 11-33
Dundalk Rugby Club
Sun, 21 MayWest Dublin RhinosRhinos @ Minotaurs
L 12-13
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sun, 4 JunSouth Kildare SoldiersMinotaurs @ Soldiers
W 33-6
Cill Dara Rugby Club
Sun, 25 JunWexford EaglesEagles @ Minotaurs
L 12-31
Navan Rugby Club
Sun, 9 JulLouth MavericksMavericks @ Minotaurs
W 34-12
Mullingar Rugby Club

Emerald Bowl Conference Winter League

Sat, 5 NovWestmeath MinotaursMinotaurs vs Minotaurs
L 19-48
Sat, 5 NovNorth Kildare ReapersReapers vs Minotaurs
L 18-40
Sat, 26 NovDublin RebelsRebels vs Minotaurs
L 0F-30
Sat, 26 NovEdenderry EaglesEagles vs Minotaurs
L 0F-30
Sat, 3 DecUCD American FootballUCD vs Minotaurs
L 26-46
Sat, 3 DecDublin Institute of Technology SpartansSpartans vs Minotaurs
L 38-66
Sat, 21 JanNorth Kildare ReapersReapers vs Minotaurs
L 12-74
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sat, 21 JanWestmeath MinotaursMinotaurs vs Minotaurs
L 19-56
Mullingar Rugby Club

Emerald Bowl Conference Winter League

Sat, 5 NovNorth Kildare ReapersReapers vs Minotaurs
L 27-29
Sat, 5 NovAthlone MinotaursMinotaurs vs Minotaurs
W 48-19
Sat, 3 DecCraigavon CowboysCowboys vs Minotaurs
L 0F-30
Sat, 3 DecWaterford WolvesWolves vs Minotaurs
L 0F-30
Sat, 14 JanMarble City MuddogsMuddogs vs Minotaurs
L 20-34
Sat, 14 JanAntrim JetsJets vs Minotaurs
W 30-0F
Sat, 21 JanNorth Kildare ReapersReapers vs Minotaurs
W 74-56
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sat, 21 JanAthlone MinotaursMinotaurs vs Minotaurs
W 56-19
Mullingar Rugby Club

IAFL Youth League

Sun, 18 SepSouth KildareSoldiers @ Minotaurs
L 6-12
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sun, 18 SepCraigavonCowboys @ Minotaurs
W 22-8
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sun, 2 OctCraigavonMinotaurs @ Cowboys
W 14-8
Sun, 2 OctSouth KildareMinotaurs @ Soldiers
L 0-14
Sun, 23 OctCraigavonMinotaurs @ Cowboys
W 38-0
Peoples Park Portadown
Sun, 23 OctSouth KildareSoldiers @ Minotaurs
L 0-6
Peoples Park Portadown

IAFL-1 Division

Sun, 10 AprWaterford WolvesWolves @ Minotaurs
L 9-11
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sun, 24 AprWaterford WolvesMinotaurs @ Wolves
W 12-9
Sun, 8 MayCork AdmiralsAdmirals @ Minotaurs
L 13-20
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sun, 15 MaySouth Kildare SoldiersMinotaurs @ Soldiers
W 37-14
Sun, 5 JunTyrone TitansMinotaurs @ Titans
W 70-0
Omagh RFC
Sun, 12 JunBelfast TrojansTrojans 2nds @ Minotaurs
L 6-19
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sun, 26 JunSouth Kildare SoldiersSoldiers @ Minotaurs
W 20-6
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sat, 2 JulLouth MavericksMinotaurs @ Mavericks
L 7-9
Dundalk Rugby Club
Sun, 17 JulCork AdmiralsIAFL-1 Semifinal
Dolphin RFC

IAFL Winter League – Midlands Division

Sat, 24 OctRoscommon RoguesRogues vs Minotaurs
W 40-24
Mullingar Shamrocks GAA
Sat, 24 OctWestmeath MinotaursMinotaurs vs Minotaurs
L 27-89
Mullingar Shamrocks GAA
Sat, 5 DecRoscommon RoguesRogues vs Minotaurs
W 28-0
Sat, 5 DecEdenderry EaglesEagles vs Minotaurs
L 6-34
Sat, 23 JanEdenderry EaglesEagles vs Minotaurs
L 19-30
Sat, 23 JanNorth Kildare ReapersReapers vs Minotaurs
L 20-21
Sat, 6 FebWestmeath MinotaursMinotaurs vs Minotaurs
L 8-53
Sat, 6 FebNorth Kildare ReapersReapers vs Minotaurs
L 13-45

IAFL Winter League – Midlands Division

Sat, 24 OctRoscommon RoguesRogues vs Minotaurs
W 73-6
Mullingar Shamrocks GAA
Sat, 24 OctAthlone MinotaursMinotaurs vs Minotaurs
W 89-27
Mullingar Shamrocks GAA
Sat, 23 JanRoscommon RoguesRogues vs Minotaurs
W 30-0
Sat, 23 JanEdenderry EaglesEagles vs Minotaurs
W 38-24
Sat, 30 JanNorth Kildare ReapersReapers vs Minotaurs
W 20-6
Sat, 30 JanEdenderry EaglesEagles vs Minotaurs
W 26-12
Sat, 6 FebAthlone MinotaursMinotaurs vs Minotaurs
W 53-8
Sat, 6 FebNorth Kildare ReapersReapers vs Minotaurs
W 40-21
Sat, 20 FebUniversity of Ulster Colraine ElksWinter League Wild Card Game
W 39-7
National Sports Campus
Sat, 5 MarNorth Kildare ReapersWinter League Semifinal
W 27-19
National Sports Campus
Sat, 5 MarCraigavon CowboysEmerald Bowl II
L 0-36
National Sports Campus

IAFL Youth League

Sun, 13 SepSouth KildareMinotaurs @ Soldiers
L 0-12
Sun, 13 SepCraigavonMinotaurs @ Cowboys
L 0-8
Sun, 18 OctSouth KildareSoldiers @ Minotaurs
L 14-18
Peoples Park Portadown
Sun, 18 OctCraigavonMinotaurs @ Cowboys
L 12-20
Peoples Park Portadown

IAFL Summer League – EBC South

Sat, 18 AprDublin RebelsRebels vs Minotaurs
W 43-24
Sat, 18 AprCashel CrusadersCrusaders vs Minotaurs
W 59-37
Sat, 23 MayDublin RebelsRebels vs Minotaurs
W 30-0F
Harbour Field Mullingar
Sat, 23 MayEdenderry EaglesEagles vs Minotaurs
W 49-46
Harbour Field Mullingar
Sat, 13 JunCashel CrusadersCrusaders vs Minotaurs
W 76-26
Sat, 13 JunEdenderry EaglesEagles vs Minotaurs
W 63-51
Sat, 11 JulCraigavon CowboysCowboys vs Minotaurs
L 0F-30
UCD Sports Facilities
Sat, 11 JulBelfast KnightsKnights vs Minotaurs
L 0F-30
UCD Sports Facilities
Sat, 25 JulCraigavon CowboysSummer League Semifinal
W 37-31
Sat, 25 JulDublin VipersSummer League Final
W 27-25
Sun, 9 AugDublin VipersEmerald Bowl I
W 19-13

IAFL-1 Division

Sun, 22 MarLouth MavericksMavericks @ Minotaurs
L 6-29
Mullingar Town FC
Sun, 12 AprCork AdmiralsMinotaurs @ Admirals
L 13-35
Dolphin RFC
Sun, 26 AprTyrone TitansTitans @ Minotaurs
L 0-8
Harbour Field Mullingar
Sun, 10 MayTyrone TitansMinotaurs @ Titans
L 8-44
Omagh RFC
Sun, 17 MayWaterford WolvesWolves @ Minotaurs
L 6-13
Harbour Field Mullingar
Sun, 7 JunCork AdmiralsAdmirals @ Minotaurs
L 7-27
Harbour Field Mullingar
Sun, 21 JunLouth MavericksMinotaurs @ Mavericks
L 0-9
Dundalk Institute of Technology
Sun, 5 JulMeath BulldogsMinotaurs @ Bulldogs
L 7-38
Navan Rugby Club

IAFL Winter League – Midlands Division

Sat, 8 NovEdenderry EaglesEdenderry vs Minotaurs
W 36-6
Sat, 8 NovSouth Kildare SoldiersSoldiers vs Minotaurs
W 30-0F
Sat, 22 NovNorth Kildare ReapersReapers vs Minotaurs
W 40-0
Sat, 22 NovMaynooth HurricanesHurricanes vs Minotaurs
W 28-13
Sat, 10 JanMaynooth HurricanesHurricanes vs Minotaurs
W 53-14
Sat, 10 JanSouth Kildare SoldiersSoldiers vs Minotaurs
W 30-0F
Sat, 10 JanDublin VipersVipers vs Minotaurs
W 35-34
Sun, 22 FebNorth Kildare ReapersReapers vs Minotaurs
L 0-7
Sun, 22 FebEdenderry EaglesEagles vs Minotaurs
W 16-14
Sun, 22 FebSouth Kildare SoldiersSoldiers vs Minotaurs
W 30-0F
Sun, 1 MarDublin RebelsWinter League Semifinal
L 15-25

IAFL-1 Division

Sun, 23 MarUCD American FootballUCD @ Minotaurs
L 0-26
Harbour Field Mullingar
Sun, 6 AprDrogheda LightningMinotaurs @ Lightning
W 14-8
St. Oliver’s Community College
Sun, 11 MayMeath BulldogsBulldogs @ Minotaurs
W 8-0
Mullingar Rugby Club
Sun, 1 JunUCD American FootballMinotaurs @ UCD
L 0-20
UCD Sports Facilities
Sun, 8 JunCork AdmiralsAdmirals @ Minotaurs
W 16-0
Harbour Field Mullingar
Fri, 4 JulMeath BulldogsMinotaurs @ Bulldogs
L 22-29
Navan Rugby Club
Sun, 13 JulDrogheda LightningLightning @ Minotaurs
W 44-0
Mullingar Shamrocks GAA
Sun, 3 AugCork AdmiralsMinotaurs @ Admirals
L 9-16
Dolphin RFC

IAFL-1 Division

Sun, 14 AprDrogheda LightningMinotaurs @ Lightning
L 6-20
St. Oliver’s Community College
Sun, 28 AprMeath BulldogsBulldogs @ Minotaurs
Harbour Field Mullingar
Sun, 26 MayNorth Kildare ReapersReapers @ Minotaurs
L 6-40
Harbour Field Mullingar
Sun, 16 JunNorth Kildare ReapersMinotaurs @ Reapers
L 0-32
Sun, 23 JunTullamore PhoenixMinotaurs @ Phoenix
L 8-12
Tullamore Rugby Club
Sun, 14 JulWaterford WolvesWolves @ Minotaurs
L 6-36
Harbour Field Mullingar
Sun, 28 JulDublin DragonsDragons @ Minotaurs
L 6-32
Harbour Field Mullingar
Sun, 11 AugMeath BulldogsMinotaurs @ Bulldogs
W 18-12
Navan Rugby Club

[F] denotes forfeit

All Time Records

Minotaurs Senior394910.444781585151570L10
Minotaurs Youth91200.4291825921049L1
Minotaurs Flag773610.775154360123141287W3
Athlone Minotaurs Flag21400.1254293686-393L13